Every voyage, one of the Semester at Sea resident directors has the privilege of organizing the Sea Olympics. The Sea Olympics is a day of no classes on the ship where students, staff, faculty, lifelong learners, and dependent children participate in a variety of events including soccer, twister, limbo, sock wrestling, flip cup, ping pong, board games, trivia, basketball, etc.

This year the Olympics occurred for the first time while we were passing through the Suez Canal, during our eleven day sail between Chennai, India, and Alexandria, Egypt. Teams are organized based on the “seas” where one lives; seas are akin to a residence halls on a land campus. Team names include the Yellow, Aegean, Adriatic, Mediterranean, Caribbean, Baltic, Adriatic, Bering, and Red Seas.

Then, of course, there is the sea made of faculty and staff known as the Dead Sea. Our battle cry throughout the Olympics was “Not dead yet! Not dead yet!”

And we weren’t! As we made our trek through the Suez Canal, we emerged fifth…a respectable finish given the depth of the field. I participated in both the limbo and the synchronized swim team events (I knew my experience in fourth grade on the synchronized swim team would pay off someday--look at those pointed toes). Two faculty members, two faculty member’s wives, the assistant executive dean, and yours truly gave a performance that was memorable if nothing else. Pictures are below…Who says there isn’t time for Beijing 2008????

Nixy Nox! Nixy Nox! Look at that aquatic grace and beauty oh how I love it! :-D I'm here in MD; my first day of my new job is tomorrow; wish me luck! I've been sick for a week :-( It needs to wear off by tomorrow! Congrats on your fifth-place finish :-) Love you!
Uncle Lerney
RahLexis! I love your pointed toes! You have the prettiest feet in the whole family and now EVERYONE on the ship has seen them in action! Fifth place is most respectable indeed friend, congrats! soon I go home to be reunited with Rahmisa and Uncle Lerney and I can't wait. we will miss you round the table friend! love, Stash (the French spelling)
I think it's so funny that Zabrina pointed out your perfect feet. Having a pair of extremely ugly feet myself, I've always noticed and admired yours. I bet you couldn't have not pointed them during that routine even if you'd tried! They are perfect and therefore incapable of appearing ungraceful at any moment. Congrats on fifth place and can't wait to hear all about Egypt. That picture on Facebook is such a tease! Love, Sarah
I love it! This looks like so much fun. It brings me back to my second grade synchronized swimming stint! I'm glad you've had time for some light-hearted fun on ship and that the Dead Sea group is not dead yet! I also second Sarah's comments about the feet. Yours are pretty and they don't sweat -- double points for you!
i never really wanted to go on Semester at Sea until today. now it's clear. i must bring home the gold from Semester at Sea Olympics.
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