Life on the ship continues to move forward. So much so that tomorrow is canceled. Indefinitely. For those of you who are not crossing the International Date Line on Friday and will wake up on Friday instead of Saturday, please write and let me hear tales of your tomorrows. You see! This is the fine print that they don’t tell you about when you agree to sail around the world. I was planning to finish my dissertation tomorrow, too. Connie, since tomorrow is your birthday and tomorrow is canceled, be glad you are in C’ville instead of the Pacific Ocean.
Since add/drop has ended I have been able to get into more of a routine. I get up and go to breakfast before the dining hall closes at 8:30 AM, hit the gym, take a shower, and head to the office. I have had three successful treadmill runs on one of two treadmills on the ship. Running while the boat is moving is a little more difficult than I thought, but I feel like I am getting a really good work-out since I have to focus so much on staying on and upright. I am not nearly as bored as I usually am on the treadmill.
Tonight is our first official faculty meeting, where there will be hors d’oeuvres and an open bar. The dean says that this is a good way to ensure faculty compliance.
Speaking of open bars, there was an open bar reception held last evening for faculty, staff, and the ship’s officers. I got to spend some time with ship’s captain who married his third wife 3 ½ weeks ago after dating online for 20 months. She has only been on the ship once and according to the captain, never found her sea legs. The captain is a kick—a very dry sense of humor and an English accent. He loves to remind students that they are the ones with accents—NOT him.
Another highlight of yesterday was my selection for random drug testing. When the Queen of Popularity falls from grace, she falls hard. Apparently, they were unable to detect the unusually high levels of sugar in my blood due to my now almost dwindling candy supply, but I might not be so lucky next time. I have sworn off dessert at least until chocolate croissants at breakfast tomorrow morning. Since tomorrow is canceled, I should be in the clear.
Dinner last night was capped off by a beautiful rainbow—the first of what I hope will be many on the voyage.
Go Hoos! Beat Duke. Here’s hoping that we don’t have to wish for an International Date Line in C’ville on Saturday.
Yes, the Brit is one funny guy. he and I had a discussion about the merits (or lack thereof) of bowties with Milton Adams at the Tutu reception.
More so than the feel of the ship movement, I though that the view of perpendicular movement out the ship window, while on the elliptical was somewhat nauseating. I can't remember if the treadmillls face the wall instead of window. Let's hope so, or you and C lee (a certain event at the NYC athletic club, ehh C Lee???) will have something in common!
We miss you! Not today though--since there isn't a today.
TGIF! Oh sorry, you don't have a Friday. I was just proclaiming how much I LOVE friday and someone was concerned that I was anxious to end a week and I am only one month into my new job. I explained that it is the concept of Friday, marking the end of a work week and the beginnning of a weekend. At least for the 9-5ers out there. If you are on board a ship traveling around the world I guess it is irrelevant, and today, non-existent! There is no such thing as a weekend on the MV Explorer. But it sounds like your Academic Dean has found a way to create a weekend atmosphere with a happy hour. Enjoy!
Thanks for calling me out, Lizzle. Just a general tip about treadmills, Alexandra: make sure the belt is OFF before you step onto it. (Then again, you probably don't want to take any tips from someone who can't stay on a treadmill on land, let alone water...).
Thanks for remembering my birthday:-) Wish you could have been here (or had a Friday) to celebrate with me, but I know you were with me in speeeeeeeeerit! Miss you loads!
Dang! Running on a sailing treadmill! You are awesomeness incarnate. You can also be proud of me Lexi, I worked out for 90 minutes yesterday. Satuday night is the time to go to the gym (which is NOT air conditioned in BGSU i'm sad to say). Love you the muchest :-D
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